Thursday 6 August 2009


Wise cracking likeable New York cop Jimmy McClune is on his holidays to meet up with his wife, who moved to Los Angeles because of her job. She invites him to her works Christmas piss-up in a tall building.

Unfortunately, she chose a crap place to work, cos some German terrorists with bad accents and even worse dress sense are in town and they want to gatecrash the party.

Before we know where we are, the Managing Director gets his brains blown out, someone kills the lift attendant and the building receptionist is murdered. And the party is only just getting started!

Wandering into the mix of frivolities with a nuclear arsenal, Hans Growbag and his gang, start shooting up the place, scaring the guests and generally being a nuisance. McClune hears the shots and runs into the corridor, forgetting to put his shoes on.

For the next 2 hours, various innumerable people get killed, as McClune delivers his own rough justice. He virtually destroys the building with his bare hands and the Christmas do is cancelled when they find the Managing Directors head in the party punch bowl.

McClune ends up throwing Alan Rickshaw off the roof and then goes home to sleep with his estranged wife. (McClune's estranged wife, not Alan Rickshaw's)

They made 3 more sequels after this one, and frankly they get better and better! Look out for more reviews! !

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