Wednesday 15 July 2009


Impressed by a local hero's handling of a big snake, city reporter Sue Charleston is disappointed to find that this was not a euphamism, and is slowly drawn into the loveable Aussie rogue's way of life in the harsh outback.

Mickey J 'Crocodile Dundee, is a legend in his home town of Bushwackersvilleford, Australia. So named because he comes from Scotland, he also wrestles with crocodiles.

Sue learns that the outback can be a hostile environment, when she almost ends up as a tasty treat for a big croc, but hero and modern day Tarzan Dundee saves the day, when he pries the beasts jaws open, climbs inside and pulls her out in one piece.

Sue then decides what a good idea it would be to take him back to her home town of New York, but not before shanking him on a riverbank.

In New York, Mickey meets Sue's boyfriend, a slimy, revolting smarmy creep who, I'm pleased to say, gets a good hard smack around the chops from Dundee when he tries to show off in a restaurant.

This will appeal to all you romantics out there, it's actually a classic 'feel good' type movie which was rather spoilt by two more sequels which were crap. But the essence is still there, boy meets girl, boy saves girl from crocodile, boy gets propositioned in a bar by a transsexual, girl falls in love, boy insults girls' parents, boy gets propositioned by a couple of prostitutes in a seedy part of town, girl invites boy to a party and boy walks over peoples' heads in a crowded train station.

Or is that just my experience?

Go see it, currently at cinema's everywhere (in 1987)

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