Saturday 25 July 2009


George Lucas and Steven Speilberg joined forces in 1980 ish to bring us a great action adventure starring Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in an epic adventure to beat the Nazis to a snake pit in the desert and find Noah and his ark.
After negotiating a booby trapped cave full of big boobies and a giant ball, Indy has to give his golden cough sweet to a french twat called Bolock and run through a jungle after a game of darts to his snake infested escape plane.
He then goes back to university class to eat his well deserved apple when he is summoned by the Feds to go two by two to Noah's Ark.
Indiana travels two by two with his bit of totty Marion (Karen Allen) after killing off her bar and entire village in Nepal. Hot on his tail to Egypt are nasty Nazis and cute pet monkeys.

But there are enemies at every turn and Indy finds that he can't even trust the monkey, who tries to kill him buy poisoning his coffee, and doctoring the brakes on his car.
Indy and his shag travel to Cairo to look at the pyramids and they find the ark. The then find themselves in a town market, and yet again the bad guys are on his back. Bolock also fancies Marion, but Indy is very protective of her and won't let him near her. So Bolock kidnaps Marion and in between killing lots of sword wielding arabs and chopping up Nazi's with propellor blades, Indy sees what he thinks is Marion being blown to bits in a laundry basket accident.

It is now that our intrepid hero decides he has had enough. Indy is in a mood. He goes after Bolock, with the Nazi bad-guys in hot pursuit.. but the Nazis are no match for the bull-whipped teacher of archaeology, who manages single handed to escape from an escape proof pit, kill more that 50 Nazi's in a thrilling car chase and hold his breath for more than 2 days as he stows away on board a nuclear submarine, bound for the island of doom.

On the island of doom, the Nazi's open up the ark to find it full of sand but after a while, ghosts & ghouls begin to materialise and sweep about majestically, killing all the bad guys and cleansing the earth of evil. Indy and Marion go back to America where he gets his scholarship and she finds work in a small shop selling cookies.

A film not to be missed.

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